What is Deep TEETH Cleaning?

Dental deep cleaning is also known as gum therapy. It is a non-surgical treatment that cleans out the teeth beyond a routine cleaning. The official dental term is periodontal scaling and root planning.  The procedure is more extensive than a standard cleaning because it is designed to treat gum disease and stop it from becoming worse. 

During the procedure, your dental hygienist will clean out the tooth, gum line, and the sides of the teeth. This process requires at least twice the length of time to enact steps to remove tartar build-up down below the gum line to the root of the tooth. This process is then referred as a root planning and scaling. 

What is Periodontitis?

Periodontitis is a chronic infection and a gum disease. Bacteria can collect in the gaps and pockets and spaces below the gum line, and then the bacteria release acids that dissolve the bone tissue between the teeth and the jawbone. Thus, the plaque from the bacteria can build up to form tartar, usually due to inadequate oral hygiene and infrequent flossing.

This gum disease is common but is mostly preventable. Symptoms can include swollen or puffy gums (feeling tender or bleed easily), bad breath, pus in gum line, loose teeth, painful chewing, and new spaces between your teeth. If you notice any symptoms, let us know so we can help you seek treatment at Crown Corner Dental!

What is the difference with standard cleaning?

A standard cleaning cannot remove plaque when it hardens and turns into tartar. A regular cleaning removes plaque on your teeth, but periodontitis is formed when plaque forms below the gum line. If regular hygiene and flossing habits are not followed, your gums may show symptoms of gingivitis. If left untreated, this can further result in periodontitis.

An x-ray and exam is taken to read the pocket depth of your gum line. If the gum line is too deep or filled with plaque build-up, a standard cleaning will not get the job done. The goal of a standard cleaning is routine, preventative maintenance (just like your annual health check-ups) The goal of deep cleaning is to stop the progression of periodontal diseases.  


Only your dental team can tell you for sure based on your unique dental situation of your gum line. If left untreated, periodontitis will eventually lead to the loss of your teeth. As a normal cleaning cannot remove the hardened tartar, the gum line will continue to recede and the tooth will be exposed, leading to nerve pain and further plaque build-up. 

Patients respond really well to dental cleaning. Dental deep cleaning can often be done in a single visit. However, if your oral condition is experiencing trouble spots or the gum disease might be widespread, our dental team will usually work on one side of your mouth per appointment.


Deep cleaning can cause slight discomfort, team Crown Corner here will use a local anaesthetic to help you feel more comfortable. Let us know what medication you are taking so we can best accommodate your health history. Your teeth might be sensitive following the procedure, and this is normal.