As parents we keep worrying about the extent of dental care our child would need. With the amount of candies children consume they are prone to cavities and tooth decay. But candies are not all that summarise childhood, after all – all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. We usually worry about their hygiene while they are out playing, all the while overlooking their dental care. They are most susceptible to scratches and bruises while playing. And as much as we would not like to think about it, oral or facial injuries while playing are also common. The treatment and prevention of such injuries is called sports dentistry.
It’s a recurring situation wherein children face dental injuries usually ranging from soft tissue damage to complete loss of a permanent tooth. This is why along with encouraging our child to maximise participation in games and sports we must simultaneously take preventive measures to limit dental injuries. Sports dentistry isn’t just reserved for adults and athletes but for children as well. To prevent such injuries sports dentistry has evolved and come up with a solution to wear a sports guard.
Sports guards are a device worn over the teeth during sports and recreational activities to avoid damage. Wearing a sports guard is an important precaution since it helps protect against chipped or broken teeth, and tooth loss. They also safeguard against serious injuries such as jaw fracture, concussion and neck injuries by helping to avoid situations where the lower jaw jams into the upper jaw. Sports guards also help prevent cutting and bruising of the lips, tongue and cheeks. Prevention is better than cure; therefore make a safe call for your child by opting for a device that cuts down on injuries that your child may be prone to due to sports.
There exist two types of sports guards, one – which is not custom made and one size fits all; and the second – which are custom made and fit better since they are made according to the child’s measurements. Also, your child can choose whichever colour they want so that they are more cooperative about wearing them. It is essential to consult the dentist to determine the sports guard that would be suitable for your child, since children have growing permanent teeth and some children have braces.
So don’t stress every time your child goes out to play, just head over to Crown Corner and get the right type of sports guard for your child. It will keep that smile you love to see intact as you let them continue to pursue their favourite sport.